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  • Kevin King from Acworth, GA says:
  • Next time you?re out of penetrating oil and you have a stuck or rusty bolt, try this...
  • Tip from Stacey...
  • Work around difficult angles with this spark plug tip...
  • Superglue for nasty nicks and cuts...
  • David Hyde from Richardson, TX says:
  • A little tried and true fact that I have found is to use cheap automatic transmission fluid (ATF) as an engine flush prior to changing your oil. Just pour a full quart in, let it idle for about five minutes, and drop your oil.
  • Now that you have picked the perfect Millermatic MIG welder for your welding projects, it is time to cover some of the basic questions we get asked. What is the proper technique for MIG welding? If the machine is properly set, you should be able to find a steady travel speed that gives you a weld bead that looks similar to Figure 6. Finally, MIG welding takes practice. Grab some scrap material and weld, in no time you will get the feel for it and be making good welds.
  • Derek Beland from Edmonton, Alberta says:
  • Tip from Stacey...
  • Rod Peterson from Ormond Beach, FL says:
  • Tip from Stacey...
  • Troy Bridger from Twillingate, NL says:
  • Mike Counas from Columbia, SC says...
  • Need to work the wax from the little cracks on your ride?
  • A great way to keep your wires straight uses plastic tag ties and clothes pins...
  • Now that you have picked the perfect Millermatic® MIG welder for your welding projects, it is time to cover some of the basic questions we get asked. What type and size of wire should I use? This really depends on what you are welding. First you want to match your materials. If you are welding mild steel, aluminum, or stainless steel, make sure you are using the matching wire. Since steel is the most common this is what we?ll cover. With steel you really have two basic choices, solid wire and flux-cored wire.
  • Use a dryer sheet to get rid of those stuck on bugs from the front of your car.
  • Stacey and Crew took to the road in the ice and snow, and visited the legendary Bigfoot 4X4 shop in St. Louis! What a great time it was!

  • What’s Workin at the GEARZ shop? Stacey was using an Arbor Press while working on a Bronco this week for an upcoming Episode.

  • What’s Workin at Stacey David’s GearZ studio? We are going to start adding some GearZ Team updates to the blog to help keep you guys in the loop of what is going on around here.

  • "Sponsored by: TESTORS

  • Well, it’s that time of year again and the SEMA show is approaching fast.  For those that don’t know, SEMA is the aftermarket, and the SEMA show is one of the biggest conventions to hit Las Vegas.
  • The idea for the V8 Interceptor has been bangin’ around in my head for a number of years, just waiting for a chance to get out.

  • It has been a while since any new episodes of GearZ have aired on Speed.  Well, that is all about to change!

  • Our friends at Advanced Plating in Nashville have survived the (grossly under-reported) Nashville Floods, thanks to the quick work of owner Steve Tracy and good friends pitching in.

  • As I sit here on the runway about to take off……my mind drifts off to all the thousands of other flights I’ve made over the years that are full of drowsy passengers mindlessly scanning the Sky Mall

  • You know, it's always amazing to talk to other gearheads and car nuts and see what kind of automotive influences they have had.

  • Sometimes it's the things you can't see that can kill you!  You know, one of the most satisfying things in life is to create a custom work of art by cutting and welding metal together.

  • I’d been looking at the Banshee lately and as much as I love the body style, there was still something missing to make the car look “finished”. Aha….. I know what it is….a rear bumper!

  • Tuesday, July 28, 2009 Over the past few months there has been some shocking news hitting the airwaves in this country.

  • As the American Auto industry continues to twist in the wind, it is amazing to see the “solutions” that the politicians and so called “experts” are coming up with.